Tuesday, May 3, 2011

El Calendario Magazine, Spring Issue

There is a little blurb about my photography art in the Baja Magazine "El Calendario" this month, the Spring Issue. They choose an old favorite out the photographs provided to publish "Tres Vacas" It is a bilingual magazine so written in español as well. See below for more readable text.


Laurie Pearce Bauer is an art photographer with a background in the fine arts and music. Her mixed media background brings an ethereal quality to her work. She is a graduate of UC Berkeley with a double major in Art and Design; she also did graduate studies at the Academy of Art in SF, CA.  Laurie’s work has been published in catalogs, magazines, books and cd covers. She does both commercial work (baylaurelphotography.com) and fine art photography (http://casaverdephotography.blogspot.com) in the SF Bay Area and Baja Ca Sur, México. She first came to Todos Santos in 2004, whereupon she fell in love with the people, the light and the thriving art community.

Laurie Pearce Bauer es una artista enfocada a la fotografia, con una educación en las Artes Visuales y la Música. Trabaja con elementos combinados lo cual le da una calidad etérea a su obra. Laurie se gradúo en la Universidad UC Berkeley con una doble carrera en Arte y Diseño; después hizo su maestria en la Academia de Arte de San Francisco.  Su trabaja en ambos mundos; ell commercial (baylaurelphotography.com) y el artistico (http://casaverdephotography.blogspot.com). Ella llegó a Todos Santos en 2004, y de inmediato se enamoró se su gente, su luz y su comunidad artistica.